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Revision as of 22:57, 30 March 2019 by HappyDog (Talk | contribs) (Planned features (in progress): IMPLEMENTED: The 'number' data type is now locale aware on input)

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This is an (incomplete) list of features that I plan to add. There are also good ideas from other people scattered around the wiki, which I should really add to this page, but haven't yet.

Note that this page reflects my current development version - if an item is removed from this page due to being implemented, it may not turn up in a public release for a little while.

The bug list has been moved to WikiDB/Bugs. Please report bugs there.

Planned features (in progress)


  • Add 'date' data-type.
  • Joins in queries
  • Foreign key definitions


  • Repeat tag - Add boolean NOT operator (AND, OR and XOR are implemented, but NOT is unary and therefore trickier).
  • Repeat tag - Allow LIMIT argument (or maybe 'range'), possibly with pagination.
  • Provide a mechanism for 'pass-through' parameters to the <data> tag (i.e. parameters that are supplied to the template, but which don't get added to the table). Suggestion is to prefix the name with an exclamation mark. Alternatively, an underscore could be used, as this is already reserved in table definitions, and therefore is not allowed in data tags (though this is not enforced) - may kill two birds with one stone...


  • Highlight 'bad' data on the table's data page.

Code Tidying

  • Add profiling statements.


  • 'What links here' should show templates that are included via data tags.

Other possible features (speculative)

These are some thoughts on later developments, for further down the line.


  • Form-based data entry.

Data linking

  • Ability to specify joins between tables.
  • Able to specify relationships between data, e.g. 'is a type of'